Selasa, 02 Februari 2016

Bony to Brawny

Bony to BrawnyClick Image To Try It TodayI’m going to show you why following advice from so-called “fitness gurus” on the internet, body building magazines, and your big buff buddy are actually murdering your chances of building any muscle.

In this short article you’ll discover the three biggest mistakes you are making right now that are disabling your chances at ever building eye popping muscle and how one strange trick will skyrocket your anabolic hormone levels instantly, causing you to build muscle in your sleep without putting on any unsightly fat, and look BETTER than the guys you’ve been taking advice from all these years.

In fact, if you follow what I show you in this video and put it into action (like hundreds of guys before you).

Ever since I was in high school I was always the smallest guy in the class. I was always really into sports but never big enough to play. Sad part was…I was actually pretty good. But it was hard for the coaches to ever look passed my bony body and give me a shot.

Forward a few years later, I noticed my friends were becoming more muscular, confident, and successful. But me? Zilch, nothing, NADA, I didn’t grow, lost confidence, and hovered around the same 115 lbs forever.

This caused me to become very insecure around women because I felt like all they noticed was my scrawny arms, puny wrists and pathetic bird chest. When I went on dates (which was hardly ever) I hated going anywhere there was a big crowd. Mainly because I felt like she would feel uncomfortable to be seen with some skinny geek who looked like he could be her little brother.

I can remember on more than one occasion, a guy hitting on MY date RIGHT IN… Read more…

The post appeared first on Health.

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