Senin, 08 Februari 2016

Unapologetically Powerful

Unapologetically PowerfulClick Image To Try It TodayYou may see other people squatting, deadlifting, and pressing big weights and think, “I can’t do that.”

Getting good coaching on technique is expensive and resources are scarce, so it may seem easier to simply NOT explore the upper reaches of your strength potential.

But that would be a mistake. (To quote Pretty Woman, it would be a “big mistake. Big. Big. Huge!”)

Because getting stronger can change everything. It can change the way you feel about yourself, it can change the way you feel about your body.

That change starts with doing things right inside the gym. You can’t build immense strength on a shaky foundation of skills. A few form tweaks here and there, a great program and the payoff is huge in terms of progress.

I can help you build an indestructible house. I will tell you exactly how to perform the exercises that will lead to your best fitness results, tell you when to do them, and in what combination. I will guide you through the entire process.

This isn’t going to be a long, drawn-out process. In 12 weeks—less than a season—you will become measurably more powerful.

If you follow the 12-week program I’m going to tell you about, you will begin seeing your strength shoot up right away, and your results will stack on top of one another like so many weight plates.

In a 2001 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that women with basic experience in strength training experienced significant strength adaptations when training multiple sets of a whole-body strength training program just twice a week. (In other words, they took up a powerlifting style of training.)

You can see strength gains in just six weeks? And that… Read more…

The post appeared first on Health.

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